‘Soothie Magic | Philips Avent’

It goes without saying that I have a genuine interest in children and babies wellbeing. I pick up tips and advice from all sorts of places, the main one being my clients. I then go on to share the knowledge with other parents :) Some of the things I learn are so interesting and I end up researching to dig deeper! I must say, I just find everything 'baby' so fascinating. Labour stories are my favourite because none are the same, the more detailed the better!!

There’s no sweeter sight than a sleeping baby right? If you're a sleep-deprived new parent looking for help, you might want to try paediatrician Harvey Karp's method or The "Happiest Baby" method for soothing crying or fussy infants and getting them to sleep. At the heart of his method are the so-called 'five S's': 

- swaddle
- side or stomach position
- shush
- swing
- suck.

Now most of the above are pretty self explanatory but I am going to go a little further into the 'suck' method. I was recommended to buy some of the Philips AVENT Soothie's on one of my newborn workshops I attended last year.  The Philips AVENT Soothie is shaped to mimic a nipple, which of course is the most natural shape for a baby to suck.  The Soothie is made of medical-grade silicone. Unlike a regular soother, Soothie allows you to offer the comfort of your finger at the same time via a hole on the front.

I always have a sterilised soothie at hand during my newborn sessions, and with the consent of the parents I often use the soothie to help settle baby. 

I have passed this recommend onto many parents and most babies have got on so well with them. I am no official baby expert but what's the harm in passing on tips to new mums and dad's hey?

I bought mine off Amazon and have provided the link below (for 0-3 month old):


The best bit about them is that they smell of vanilla :D


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